What we do

Mine restoration

Our model

Viridis Terra International is proposing a model using an integrated and holistic approach that focus on multidisciplinarity, sustainability, durability, affordability, and effectiveness of mine restoration activities on both short- and long-term objectives.

On contaminant-releasing mining sites, Viridis Terra International advocates the use of innovative ecological engineering technologies to sustainably confine the pollutants, and remediate and ecologically restore the sites. Here, the term ‘ecoengineering technologies’ refers to a mix of complementary engineering technologies and phytobial technologies.

Engineering technologies such as the use of physical structures like geomembranes and covers with capillary barrier effects, and the use of flooding, are very effective in confining the contaminants in the short term, but have a particular lifespan and lose resistance and efficiency when they age. Furthermore, these technologies often still release some contaminants into the environment through leaks.

Phytobial technologies, which are based on specific plant-microbe-soil triads, have lower remediation effectiveness in the short term but increase in efficiency with time.

When tailored to be used together, these two types of technologies generally offer optimal environmental protection over time while allowing the development of resilient ecosystems of origin on the restored sites.

  1. Open pit under mining
  2. Waste rock dumps
  3. Tailings ponds
  4. Mining infrastructure
  1. Open pit under mining
  2. Progressive restoration of waste rock piles
  3. Trials to optimize and adapt technologies to site conditions
  4. Containment of residues
  5. Local production of green inputs for restoration purposes
  6. Phyto-Bio-Filters for the control of effluents
  7. Industrial ecology: Valuation and reuse of residual materials
  1. Restored, sustainable, resilient, and healthy ecosystems

On mining sites without contaminant issues, Viridis Terra International focuses on accelerating the natural processes of ecosystem restoration and recovery on highly disturbed sites. Firstly, an ecological, climatic, and edaphic study of the mined areas versus the nearby natural ecosystems is carried out. Then, based on this study, a low-cost ecological restoration strategy, using the fewest possible number of inputs and least possible amount of site preparation, is developed and implemented with our own technologies. This enables direct reforestation and vegetation of mine waste in a sustainable way, which leads to rapid reconstruction of ecosystems of origin. Whenever possible, we also work to transform the cost of restoration into an investment that brings money to our clients.

The success of our model revolves around continuous R&D and a diversified team of professionals working in all our projects, ranging from engineers to geologists, forest engineers to ecologists, and agronomists to environmental professionals.