What we do

Forest Landscape Restoration

Why we do it

In order to cope with the increasing number and severity of issues posed by land degradation, the rise of the global population, the need for more sustainable land management practices, and the impacts of climate change, the Global Restoration Initiative was launched by the World Resource Institute to contribute to the Bonn Challenge and The New York Declaration on Forests objectives to restore large areas of degraded and deforested lands across the world into sustainable agricultural, agroforest and forest landscapes.

The Global Restoration Initiative aims to mobilize public and private entities to restore 500 million hectares of deforested and degraded lands by 2030.

The Solution

Integrated Forest Landscape Restoration (IFLR):

It is more than planting trees; it aims to build sustainable, healthy forests and agroforest ecosystems by restoring the ecological integrity of the landscapes they grow on, and to improve human well-being conditions in a multifunctional landscape, which provides food and economic security, livelihood opportunities, maintenance of species, and ecological functions.