Our services

Industrial Sites Restoration

We offer consulting, management, and contracting services covering the whole course of a progressive mine restoration project, from the participation to the elaboration of the closure plans to maintenance, as a turnkey solution for mining companies and governments.

1. Planning

  • Develop the progressive restoration strategy based on stakeholders’ objectives.
  • Elaborate and update the closure plan in collaboration with the mining company, local government, and local communities using a consultative and participatory approach.
  • Characterize the mining sites and its surroundings.
  • Carry out small tests when necessary to optimize and adapt restoration technologies and techniques to specific site conditions.
  • Develop industrial ecology and circular economy strategies for the mine complex to use and valorize residual waste and produce locally green inputs that may be used later on for restoration purposes.
  • Design in detail the restoration plan and specifications.
  • Plan field restoration activities.

2. Restoration

  • Fulfill, manage, and supervise field restoration activities following the progressive restoration strategy, closure plan, and restoration plan, and specifications in partnership with clients and subcontractors.
  • Contain and eliminate contaminants using ecoengineering technologies (i.e., a mix of complementary engineering and phytobial technologies).
  • Control erosion using phytotechnologies and soil bioengineering techniques.
  • Valorize residual waste on site when possible for use as locally produced green inputs.
  • Restore, vegetate, and reforest the mine sites into productive soils and diverse ecosystems, preferably of origin.
  • Protect, manage, and restore the watershed where mining activities are realized.

3. Monitoring

  • Follow the presence, concentration, and behaviour of contaminants on site.
  • Follow the ecosystem recovery.
  • Evaluate the restoration success.

4. Maintenance

  • Adjust, correct, and improve long-term effectiveness of engineering and natural infrastructure, according to the initial objectives.