Our services

Forest Landscape Restoration

We develop IFLR projects covering the whole project life cycle from planning and implementation, to the production and sale of certified commodities and offsets on the market in collaboration with all stakeholders.

1. Planning

  • Evaluate the history of land use and degradation in the landscape.
  • Complete the feasibility study and the environmental social impact assessment.
  • Establish the aims of the IFLR project, according to the needs of the local communities.
  • Characterize the degraded landscape.
  • Develop the national IFLR programs for successful large-scale activities.
  • Build biotech lab infrastructure and clean hi-tech tree factory.
  • Produce plant materials and other green inputs.

2. Training

  • Assist local communities and beneficiaries to establish ecofriendly businesses (green economy) through training, capacity building, and industry, market, and value chain development.

3. Restoring

  • Restore productive soils and diverse ecosystems.
  • Valorize degraded lands through agroforestry, forestry, and agriculture.
  • Promote forest carbon sinks and carbon farming.
  • Valorize residual wastes for revitalizing degraded soils.
  • Protect, manage, and restore watersheds.
  • Sustainably produce goods and services, such as agri-food products, energy wood, timber products, ecotourism, and offset credits.

4. Monitoring

  • Evaluate the carbon storage and ecosystem and biodiversity recovery.
  • Pay beneficiaries for Ecosystem Services.
  • Get certification for commodities and offset credits through a third-party organization.
  • Monitor and implement adjustment and correction over the long term, according to the initial IFLR project goals.

5. Selling

  • Sell certified forest and agroforest-based commodities and offset credits to buyers and deliver return on investment to impact investors.

International development

We establish the project with our partners and offer training and assistance for the development of sustainable land restoration and management practices.

To achieve that, we:

  1. Identify local challenges, assets, needs and resources;
  2. Form partnerships with international and local academic institutions, NGOs, experts, and other organizations;
  3. Develop strategies and plans to engage with partners and local communities;
  4. Offer training and knowledge transfers;
  5. Mobilize and raise awareness of and in local communities; and
  6. Offer technical support throughout the course of the implementation of sustainable land restoration and management projects.

The objectives are to:

  • Valorize degraded lands through sustainable revitalization, agroforestry, forestry, and agriculture practises.
  • Control soil erosion using phytotechnologies.
  • Restore productive soils and diverse ecosystems.
  • Valorize residual wastes as green inputs on degraded lands.
  • Protect, manage, and restore watersheds.
  • Assist local communities in developing ecofriendly businesses.
  • Increase local communities’ adaptation to climate change.